Carl Henning

Texas Baseball

When we’re in Texas we watch a lot of baseball. First Mark’s:

Then the Astros for the first two games of the ALDS (American League Division Series). Game one was preceded by a tribute to the Cajun Navy and others who helped rescue people during hurricane Harvey. The Cajun Navy consists of Louisianans with boats who came to Houston and rescued thousands of people. They were not ordered to; they were not commandeered; they just spontaneously wanted to help. And did. The photo on the jumbotron showed a long line of pickup trucks pulling fishing boats. Here’s what the field looked like:

The seventh inning stretch at these Astros home games started with the singing of God Bless America. The then the traditional Take Me Out to The Ballgame. Concluding with many of the verses to Deep in the Heart of Texas. If you’re not familiar with this Texas anthem, after each verse you clap four times. (You can listen here.)

In one of those funny coincidences, one of my technical newsletters, How to Geek, offered this bit of trivia:

During World War II, the BBC temporarily banned the song “Deep in the Heart of Texas” from their radio rotation during working hours over concerns that the song’s beat was so hard to resist clapping along to that it would slow down productivity whenever it came on the radio.

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