Carl Henning

Fort Nisqually

Fort Nisqually is a living history museum. Meaning that it is staffed by people in traditional garb who explain various facets of life at the time. We were there on a weekday when the staff was one lady in the Factor’s House (the manager’s house). The Factor’s House in one of the two original structures; the rest are reconstructions.

Downtown Portland

A Christmas present caused our daughter to embark on a mission to find the Portland White Stag sign in downtown Portland. We then wandered across the street to the Japanese-American Historical Plaza. In retrospect, I wish we had spent more time in the plaza where George Takei could have given us an audio tour.


We saw one of the 33 troll sculptures in the USA by recycle artist Thomas Dambo. He’s planning a new one closer to home in Austin, Texas as part of his “The Trail of a Thousand Trolls” project. He has over 100 sculptures around the world including his native Denmark.