Carl Henning


Galveston, Oh Galveston

Glenn Campbell sang “Galveston, oh Galveston, I still hear your sea winds blowin'”

So we drove down to hear the sea winds, aka gentle ocean breezes, hoping for cooler temperatures than Houston. And to see the sights. It had been a long time since we had visited. Turns out there’s a lot to see. And lots of history.

Fort McKavett

In my quest to visit the frontier forts of Texas, I visited Fort McKavett. The sprawling grounds encompass ruins and original buildings. Like all the forts visited, this one has no palisade (unlike Western movie forts). Other forts visited include Fort Davis, Fort Lancaster, and Fort Stockton. Many more to go.

USS Orleck Revisited

The retired USS Orleck is at sea!

Ok, it’s being towed by tug to its new home in Jacksonville, Florida. It will feature a unique look at the Navy during the Cold War and Vietnam. It’s journey was required when the Lake Charles museum non-profit owners lost their lease of the dock. Fortunately Jacksonville was looking for a ship to make into a museum in downtown.