Oklahoma has two Route 66 museums a couple exits apart – one In Elk City and one in “What Happened,” er… Clinton. Both are worth visiting, but don’t stay at the Clarion Inn in Elk City (there were no Marriott brands there). They might be starting a remodel, but they have a long way to go,
In Elk City, the Old Town Museum Complex includes several museums. All are worthwhile, especially the National Route 66 & Transportation Museum. Click a picture to enlarge and start a slide show:
- Our new RV…
- … as soon as I build it from these plans in Popular Science magazine
- Spent many a night with this in the car window. They were showing trailers for the classics: Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Blob, …
- Windmills, not wind turbines.
- A collection of hog oilers. They rub against them and the oil keeps the flies off.
- I hear the “Anvil Chorus” in my head when I see this collection.
- Sculpture in front of the local bank.
- Across the street from the bank is the town oil derrick. It is Oklahoma after all.
Here is a look around the village at the museum:
Down the road in Clinton at Oklahoma Route 66 Museum:
- Reminds me of Standing on the Corner Park in Winslow
- We had a vending machine like this at the Community Center in Newton Falls. 15 cents a Coke
- Twin Arrows alomg Rt 66 in Arizona
- Two Guns alomg Rt 66 in Arizona
We had lunch at the Route 66 Café at the Marketplace in Clinton. Recommended by a volunteer at the museum and the entire clientele was locals. Beats the chains for sure.