Carl Henning


Phoenix Zoo

My travel blog has not had much travel blogging during the virus era. But today we traveled 20 minutes to the Phoenix Zoo. We recently restarted our annual membership (figuring they still had to feed the animals even if visitors were few). We were told today was the busiest it has been in a long time.

Wild Horses

Another quick day trip. We returned to the Beeline Highway to photograph saguaros burned in a recent wildfire. It was tough to find places to safely stop to take pictures, so slim pickings there. But we came home past Saguaro Lake and the Salt River. We were lucky to stop at a picnic area when the wild horses were passing through.

Arizona’s Other Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon of the Salt is a rather pretentious name and it’s pretentious to compare it to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. Which is probably why the map just says “Salt River Canyon.” In this area the river has, rarity of rarities, water. Actually the Salt River runs year around above all the dams closer to Phoenix. Through Phoenix it’s dry. It’s dry usually anyway. It still flows and floods sometimes.

Parks Are Opening

Some of the National Parks are starting to open with restrictions. My wanderlust is brimming BUT it’s still recommended that older folks stay home. Begrudgingly admitting to being in this category, I’ll wait to mask up and hit the road. In the meantime, here are some National Park Service posters to encourage visitors to stay six feet apart.