Rooster Cogburn’s Ostrich Ranch is right off Interstate 10 in the shadow of Picacho Peak. (Picacho is Spanish for Peak, so Picacho Peak is Peak Peak.) There are a few roosters at the ranch, but there are a lot of other birds too: ducks, ostriches, and, my favorite, the lorikeets. Also donkeys, goats, deer, and bunnies. For the price of admission you get feed for all these.
Some scenes from around the ranch that you can click on to enlarge. And don’t miss the videos at the end.
- Kay feeds the donkeys. I always said that if I had a donkey I would call him Oaty (Donkey Oaty).
- Oh deer.
- If you put the feed in your mouth, the goat will :kiss” you. No, me neither.
- Love the lorikeets… and vice versa.