I never realized how many monoliths and just plain rocks dotted the Pacific coast – big rocks, little rocks, and rocks with holes in them. Here are some I found interesting…
Lighthouses, Bridges, and Rocks
Choosing the best images of the 686 from our Pacific Coat Highway trip, we have these…
There Be Elk Here
Throughout this trip we’ve seen signs that say “Elk Crossing,” “Elk Migration Crossing,” or just “Elk.” But the elk avoid these signs. But speeding down the freeway portion of US 101, the Pacific Coast Highway, I jam on the brakes and grab my camera with the long lens. Two elk grazed casually right beside the road, impervious to the traffic.
Viper Vorkout
Another rainy day in the Pacific Northwest. So what’s new? An old joke and some new sights.
So Little Daylight
We started on the Pacific Coast Highway southbound from Puyallup, WA. Between short daylight hours and rain we did not travel far, but we traveled deep; that is to say, we saw a lot along the way.
Cars and Wheels
The title America’s Car Museum sounds like it’s the only or best car museum in America… and it may well be. Exotic cars, old classics, custom built, coach built (in the old days), and a Route 66 section. This Tacoma museum has it all.
Gang aft agley
According to the poet Robert Burns, The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men Gang aft agley. Or in modern English: Go often askew. That describes our day.
Gee, the Traffic is Terrific
Gee, the Traffic is Terrific. And when I say terrific, I mean terrific for us; there was very little traffic through eastern Nevada. And very few towns. And very few people, You might say: “There was plenty of nothing.” So, herewith, pictures of traffic and nothing. Actually the scenery was stark, but beautiful (snow is stark, right?).
We Passed Nothing
On our Thanksgiving journey to Kim’s by car, we passed Nothing… Nothing, Arizona. It’s on Route 93 north of Wickenberg and west of Bagdad. Arizona’s Bagdad does not contain the letter “h.”
Back in the Green Desert
Alex and Sarah visit the Desert Botanical Garden with us. Many photos result including my obsession with an unusual crested saguaro and dead saguaros.